Technical verification in use -equipment under ISCIR Technical Regulations
SC GEOROM Inspect Consulting is authorized by ISCIR in accordance with PT CR4-2010 to perform technical verification in use for:
- steam boilers and hot water boilers – subject to PT C1 / 2010
- pressure vessels- subject to PT C4 / 2010
- pressure pipelines for fluid – subject to PTC6 / 2010
- low pressure hot water boilers and steam boilers - subject to PT C9 / 2010
- vessels, barrels, and tanks for compressed, liquefied or dissolved under pressure gas- subject to PT C12 / 2003
- lifting equipments - subject to PT R1 / 2010
- electric and hydraulic lifts with inner command for personnel and goods - subject to PT R2 / 2010
The technical verification is performed in the following situations:
- after an accident/ technical incident;
- when periodic checks highlight corrosion / deformations that could affect the safe functioning;
- before equipment restarting after a period in which it was stopped without ensuring conservation controlled conditions;
- at the end of lifetime established by manufacturer into the equipment technical documentation or after the expiration of its normal operation life defined in the applicable regulations (HG 2139/2004);
- when technical documentation is missing or is incomplete
- prior the operational authorization of certain equipment subject to ISCIR prescriptionswhen there are noticed abnormal functioning of the vessels / boilers (exceeding the maximum operating parameters, body deformations, etc.);
- when it intends to operate the equipment to more severe parameters than those for which the equipment it was originally authorized ;
Steps of the Techical Verification in use
- prepare the Investigation/Examination Plan and its endorsement by RADTE;;
- submitting of plan to ISCIR for approval;
- conduct all examinations and tests provided in the approved Plan (if necessary, in the presence of representative ISCIR); the personell is authorized by ISCIR and the procedures are approved by ISCIR.
- preparation of Technical Report and its endorsment by RADTE.
- submitting of Technical Report to ISCIR for approval
- transmission of documents / records to the customer.
Note: RADTE- specialized technical personnel responsible for approving technical documentation of verification in use for technical investigations/ examinations